Sep 18, 2008

It's all about storytelling...

I have learned something important today. People HAVE to tell stories. People love to tell stories. People TELL stories. Period. Everything about them is a story. And they don't have to utter a word to do that.
I have looked at photos of a bunch of people I don't know anything about. I can guess their nationality, but other than that... I knew nothing about them.
Yet, a photo told me so much. My imagination did the rest. From imagining their lives and how they got to be in that photo, to trying to guess their profession and age, social status, etc.

I also learned I am fascinated by names. I used to hate learning about plants and what they were called... because the way I perceived them rarely corresponded to the name people had found for them. To this day, I can't tell plants.
But with people... it's a whole different thing. I tried to guess their names. I have no idea how well I did ... I probably never will.

Bottom line is I am sure I would be able to write infinitely starting from one portrait... Isn't that a wonderful thing to find out?

Time and Date


Books ...

  • Paul Auster - The New York Trilogy

Movies I Recommend

  • Love Actually...
  • Fight Club
  • Finding Nemo