Jun 27, 2008

I am turning Japanese...

Who wouldn't?
Just watched Kung Fu Panda the second time... It will never beat Nemo off the first place in my heart, the myths don't bare comparison, but it's a delicious movie to watch. And so deep.
Taught me to return to childhood in order to learn the basic things I sometimes tend to ignore or forget.
Totally worth it - Ska-doosh!

Jun 10, 2008

If things were perfect...

By Moby...
Funny, the first thing that came to my mind when hearing this song was Massive Attack. And it made me miss them and the particular state of mind they automatically switch on in me. Profoundity and the crossing of a barrier that I would never be able to cross without music. This music. Feeling you are ready for everything and you can take everything. The feeling that nothing is worth it anymore. Regrets? The past? The future? Just the now. And that it's ok to hurt. More than that, it's even pleasurable. It's what makes you keep walking. And if you have been hurt, then just don't give them the satisfaction to go all the way with that. Show wisdom. And wisdom is not something you acquire. You either have it or you don't.

Mistakes are the chances that life gives you to learn. If you can't learn from mistakes, you are not worthy of the life you have. And things will even out.

I dared to doubt earlier this year. To doubt the order and to think that we all live in some sort of harmonious anarchy. I have been offered the chance to change my mind. I have been shown I was wrong. And I was open to receive the blow. And it hit me at full power. And I am not scared anymore...

I have heard the Google people made a survey on how information is passed on most rapidly. The end result was ludicrously basic: people standing next to each other. That's how I heard about 'musicovery'. You should Google that. It's by far my favorite website ever.
It reads your mind and provides you with the soothing you need when you need it. Through music. How lovely is that?

Time and Date


Books ...

  • Paul Auster - The New York Trilogy

Movies I Recommend

  • Love Actually...
  • Fight Club
  • Finding Nemo